Social commitment

Copefrut began as a cooperative and has been close to growers and local people since its beginnings. We understand perfectly the importance of Copefrut's social role in the areas where we work and we are keen to support the social development of our collaborators and their families. Through benefits and diverse social programs we promote values such as sport, culture and education.

Professional development
In order to promote continual training and the necessary skills for workers to be able to work and improve their performance, Copefrut created an institution that provides learning opportunities within the organization in an orderly, coherent way that is in-line with the corporate strategy.
Learn more about our Copefrut Academy
Together with this school for continual development we have internal recruitment policies that have generated high levels of career development.
In the last two years, 9.2% of our collaborators changed their position within the company, which demonstrates that we are a company that challenges its workers.

In the framework of the Chilean law 21,015 that entered into force in 2018 and which is an invitation to include people with disabilities, our organization sees the value of having inclusive teams and providing space so that all people can be included in the world of work. Today it is our commitment is to strengthen this inclusive culture and good practices in order to provide equal opportunities.
Copefrut has personnel management norms that safeguard and ensure that immigrants are hired under social laws and child labor, human trafficking and slavery do not exist.
Close to 9% of our seasonal workers are foreigners, from different countries of Latin America, amongst which there are a large number of immigrants from Haiti. For them Copefrut has incorporated safety signage in the creole language.

The care and protection of people is the foundation of our business.
During recent years important efforts have been made to reduce accident frequency rates improving on both national and industry averages, going from 4.3% in 2016 to 2.8% in 2018, as well as reducing the accident severity rate from 76% in 2016 to 52% in 2018.
Our Prevention Plan 2019 -2021: “Journey to safety world class”, consists in 7 pillars that activate safety habits within the organization: leadership, behavior, conditions, knowledge and lessons learnt, critical compliance and emergencies. This plan aims for the company to reach global levels of accident frequency (1%) and accident severity (20%) by the year 2020.

Certification of Socio-ethical protocols
Copefrut has always had an active role in favor of its workers and the community; this is also transmitted to the farms that provide our fruit.

- Today we have certifications that support this philosophy, such as GRASP in the farms. This is complementary to GLOBALG.A.P. with international recognition that addresses social aspects based mainly on the agreements undersigned by the International Labor Organization (ILO), and in which Chile participates. This is visible for buyers and partners in the supply chain.

- In the same line, in our processing plants we have implemented protocols such as COSTCO, KROGER, WALMART also with a strong socio-ethical character.