Always innovating to share wonderfruit with our consumers, we were the first to develop and export the Hayward variety of Kiwifruit in Chile in 1978. Later, we were also pioneers in introducing the yellow kiwi and today we continue to innovate in state of the art technology to select the best kiwis, safeguarding their best properties.

Benefits of
eating kiwifruits
It is recommended to eat them at breakfast, as their high fiber content helps to reduce constipation and accelerate digestion.
It is one of the fruits with the highest protein content, as well as being composed of liquid, which makes it a very healthy food.
For athletes kiwifruits are an excellent source of potassium (100 grams of kiwifruit is equivalent to 312 mg of potassium). This is beneficial for muscular activity, regulating heart function, the formation of proteins and the balance of liquids within the organism.
Its high content of folic acid and vitamin C helps to reduce anemia and prevent colds, ideal for pregnant women, children and the elderly.
The lutein it contains acts as a filter providing natural protection for the skin against UV rays.
It acts beneficially on the skin, making it a special product for use in facial masks or hair creams, having a rejuvenating effect.