Advice and Financing

We support our growers in the management of their orchards providing operational financing. This is according to the estimated entries that have been projected, and interest is charged on the 31st of December each year.

Financial support
We also have an Agreement with the Banco Estado with credit in dollars and with preferential fixed rates to finance all types of agricultural investments: roofs, conversion, planting, machines, etc.

Agricultural Advice
Our agronomists, specialized in different species make technical visits to the orchards of each grower throughout the season, giving them guidelines for achieving good productivity per hectare and obtaining the quality of fruit required in the final destinations. They also provide a phytosanitary and fertilization program according to the market demands for quality and food safety.

Certifications advice and training
We have a food safety team that carries out training and microbiological samples each year in order to ensure the fulfillment of the norms required by the most profitable markets.

Market advice
Each year our commercial team, together with specialized advisors transmit clients' needs, consumer trends and sales innovations that give added value to the fruit.