Our benefits for collaborators
(With indefinite contracts)
Our benefits
In the framework of our purpose, principals and values, Copefrut promotes policies aimed at achieving a healthy family life and work balance.
Our Purpose
To contribute to quality of life by sharing our fruit.
Our Values
Since 1955, mutual TRUST, COMMITMENT to our society and the environment, COLLABORATION and QUALITY results strengthen the Copefrut mystique for all those that make up this company.
These values that guide our actions are integrated within the company's corporate actions, transforming our attitudes and supporting our decisions.
This manual details the most important benefits that permit a better quality of life and an adequate coexistence between work teams.
Benefits for our collaborators are conferred via three routes:
- Those defined by Copefrut S.A.
- listed in this manual with a number (1).
- Benefits contained within the Collective Contract
- listed in this manual with a number (2).
- Those that form part of what is administered and paid for by the Copefrut S.A. Personnel Wellbeing Corporation.
- listed in this manual with a number (3).
With respect to the latter, the main characteristics of the Wellbeing Corporation are:
- It is an autonomous organization that is independent of Copefrut S.A. Its board of directors is composed of representatives from the Copefrut board of directors and collaborators chosen by their peers.
- The main object of the Corporation is to cover the risks of illness and contribute to funding the health costs of its of its MEMBERS and their family group.
- Furthermore, the aim of the Corporation will be to provide social, cultural and recreational assistance to is MEMBERS, benefits that it will provide through the creation of cultural centers, sports complexes and other similar establishments, intended to provide a complete moral, intellectual and physical education, as far as financial resources allow; promote the improvement of conditions and quality of life and work of its members, providing them assistance, health care subsidies and in general the greatest possible benefits in accordance with the funds available.
- Who can be a MEMBER of the Wellbeing Corporation?
All our collaborators who want to access the multiple benefits managed by the Wellbeing Corporation can join through a monthly co-payment made by the worker and the company. The employee’s contribution is deducted from their wages each month thus converting them in MEMBER of the Corporation.
* The Wellbeing Corporation Statutes are available for all collaborators on our Intranet.
People's assistance program (1)
Our mission recognizes as one of its pillars the wellbeing of all those who are part of the company, so: "if you're okay, we're ok". That’s why at all times we offer personalized care and guidance to each collaborator on different issues according to their needs, as well as referring them directly to social networks with the aim of providing multidisciplinary and comprehensive care.
National holiday bonus (2)
Because we like to celebrate our traditions, every year in September each collaborator will be paid a bonus equivalent to 5 UF (Chilean unit of readjustment according to inflation), gross value.
Christmas bonus (2)
At Christmas, apart from celebrating the harvest of one of our most popular fruits: cherries, we know it is the moment to share and celebrate with the family. Therefore, a bonus equivalent to 3.5 UF (brute value) will be paid to each worker plus 1.25 UF (gross value) for each dependent member of the family group. For those with no dependent family members an additional sum of 1.25 UF (gross value) will be paid.
Bonus flexibility (2)
The payments corresponding to the bonuses for the National Holiday and Christmas can be paid in September and December respectively, or they can be paid together in January each year, according to the wishes of the collaborator. This decision should be informed each year by August at the latest.
Individual bonus (2)
In order to encourage good performance in the interests of the quality of our services and the long-term profitability of our company, each worker receives an annual individual bonus with the following conditions:
- a) It is only paid if the company attains at least 60% of the Net profits budgeted for that calendar year.
- b) The amount of the individual bonus is directly related to the percentage of the worker's individual performance according to the table contained in the collective contract.
Family and leisure
Administrative days (2)
Half days
Because we know that there are times when you need time for you and important personal matters, the managers of each unit can authorize up to two days of leave each year for each collaborator, without any reduction in remuneration.
Sport complex (3)
Healthy living, sports and having a good time are things that we encourage as part of our purpose. For this, through the Wellbeing Corporation, a sports complex with a swimming pool and areas for practicing sports is available to all our MEMBERS and their families during the summer months.
Recreational contribution to wellbeing (1)
We understand that quality of life goes beyond working life, that’s why each January Copefrut contributes to the Wellbeing Corporation an equivalent of 8.75 UF or the equivalent proportion for the number of months worked, for each collaborator who´s MEMBERSHIP is current on the 31st December, so that this institution can make use of these funds for improving the quality of life of its members.
Christmas party (3)
We know that for children Christmas has a special magic and at Copefrut we try to keep that magic alive. Each year in December the Wellbeing Corporation holds a Christmas party in the Cenkiwi Complex for the sons and daughters of our workers who on 31st December of the year in question will be aged between 0 years and 12 years and 11 months.
Educational grants and incentives
Matriculation grants (3)
To encourage comprehensive development, we contribute an annual equivalent of 2 UF to each student worker and//or student son or daughter. For this purpose, student will be understood to be someone enrolled between nursery and 4th year of High School. In order to obtain this benefit the worker must present the matriculation receipt or a certificate of current enrollment.
Educational incentives (3)
The quest for quality in what we do is one of our corporate values, that is why we like to recognize effort and encourage a culture of continual improvement in our collaborators families.
Workers and sons/daughters in Junior School and High School, with an annual average grade equal to or greater than 6.0 (of a total of 7), can obtain the Junior and High School incentives.
The award ceremony takes place annually, acknowledging the achievement of those who reached this high level of performance during the previous year.
Higher education grants (3)
All workers and/or their children (under 28 years old) who are currently studying at a University, Professional Institute or Technical Training Center are eligible for a half-yearly contribution (amount defined each year according to available funds from the sale of waste products and through Company donation), upon certifying their status as a regular student.
Department stores for school supplies (3)
Each year we make special commercial agreements for the acquirement of school articles between January and March. Purchases will be made directly by Copefrut, upon the request of the collaborator and the accumulated amount will be deducted from the collaborators wages in four monthly installments starting in April each year.
National Holiday Agreement (3)
For the National Holiday we have agreements with certain meat providers for the traditional barbeque. As in the previous case, purchases will be made directly by Copefrut upon the request of the collaborator. The employer will then deduct the amount paid on behalf of the worker in three monthly installments starting in October.
Dental Health Agreement (Salud Dental Chile) (3)
We have a dental agreement with the network Salud Dental Chile that offers dental plans with different providers in the county of Curicó. Affiliation is voluntary and has a cost for the worker.
Oncological Agreement Arturo Lopez Perez Foundation: (3)
We offer an agreement with preferential costs through the Foundation's Oncological Insurance.
Agreement requirements
- For all benefits in which Copefrut S.A. will participate by paying for goods or products purchased, there must be a written agreement between the collaborator and Copefrut in order to make the purchases and determine their amount. Likewise, the details of the agreement for making the respective deductions from wages must also be detailed in writing.
- Monthly deductions that are made for any agreement, together with any voluntary deductions, must not, under any circumstances be greater than 15% of the collaborators total wages, as stipulated by law.
Loans policy
Through Personnel Management, we make loans to workers for health care, housing and education to help them in emergency situations that directly affect their personal and family development.
Housing Loan (1)
For buying a first home or its repair due to structural damage.
Health Care Loan (1)
Intended to cover medical costs not covered by other service providers (Fonasa, Isapre, insurance companies, among others).
Educational Loan (1)
Intended to cover emergency costs that directly affect the family budget, such as payments to technical training centers, professional institutes, universities and schools.
Extraordinary Advances (1)
In the case of an emergency, up to three times a year workers can ask for an advance of their wages which will be deducted from their wages in one installment the same month or the following month.
Bereavement Loan (1)
This benefit is intended to cover emergency costs related to the death of a collaborators parents, spouse, or children.
Dental and Optical Loan (3)
MEMBERS of the Wellbeing Corporation can request a dental loan of up to 20 UF (12 installments) and an optical loan of up to 20 UF (12 installments) (3).
Loan requirements
- A written agreement must be made between the collaborator and Copefrut regarding the deductions to be made from the workers wages for any of the loans described above.
- The monthly deductions that are made for any loan, must not, under any circumstances be greater than 15% of the collaborators total wages, as stipulated in the Labor Code.
- Collaborators can opt for emergency loans up to three times their liquid monthly wages (monthly wages after deductions for social security, taxes and internal deductions), which can be repaid in a maximum of 18 installments.
- The collaborator cannot request a new emergency loan while they are still making repayments for previous loans (outstanding balance).
Life and health
Complementary health insurance (3)
Copefrut makes extraordinary contributions to the Wellbeing Corporation that allow it to maintain a Complementary Health Insurance Policy METLIFE, in benefit of the collaborators. For more information on the current plan contact the Wellbeing Corporation.
Subsidy for incapacity to work (2)
With you through good and bad...in the case of Subsidies for Incapacity to Work (sick leave), we pay the first three days of leave when the total days of leave is under 11 days (because these are the days not covered by Fonasa or private health insurance companies). Equally, we pay the difference between the Incapacity to Work Subsidy and the workers monthly wage when this is higher than the established legal limit.
Insurance policies
Life insurance (1)
Together with providing the required contention for tragic situations through our Assistance Program, Copefrut also makes extraordinary contributions through the Wellbeing Corporation that allow the payment of a Collective Family Life Insurance in favor of our workers the benefits of which are:
- 200 UF for the death of a collaborator
- 125 UF for the death of spouse and children
Accident and invalidity insurance (2)
Likewise, extraordinary contributions are made to the Wellbeing Corporation to maintain up-to-date the Complementary Health Insurance Policy that gives extraordinary cover in the case of accidental death or invalidity in the following roles:
- Crane operator
- Electrician
- Operators and technicians that enter controlled atmosphere chambers
- Operators of Methyl Bromide chamber
Fire insurance (3)
For its part, the Wellbeing Corporation offers a Fire and Contents insurance to insure our collaborators' homes. The details, conditions, characteristics, premium value and deductions for which must be informed prior to the expiration of any current policy held with an insurance company (in September each year). Premiums will be discounted in three installments starting in October each year.
Years of service award (2)
We aspire to grow together, that’s why we award our workers, through the Years of Service Award, the following gross values:
- After 10 years: UF 25
- After 15 years: UF 50
- After 20 years: UF 75
- After 25 years: UF 100
- After 30 years: UF 125
- After 35 years: UF 150
Allocations for special workdays (2)
Fruit is a live product and therefore there are certain functions that cannot be put on hold. In this sense, and to support the continuous functioning of our company, the Guards and Cold Operators, who work a shift of 7.5 hours (from Monday to Saturday) and/or 9 hours (from Monday to Friday), which take place at night or on the following holidays 1st of January, 1st May, 18th September, 25th December, and Good Friday, will have the right to extra pay equivalent to 1.25 UF (gross value).
Tranfer allowance (2)
When a collaborator changes their abode and place of work to another province or region upon our requirement, we will hire and pay for the cost of a removal van for moving house and additionally the accommodation of the worker and his or her family group for a maximum of ten days and two days paid leave.
Meal allowance (1)
Contributing to healthy diets is a central part of our business, which is why we offer a complete service of healthy balanced meals to all our collaborators. For this we have canteens in our offices and plants.
This benefit covers the following services for the different shifts:
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Afternoon tea
- Dinner
- Snack (sandwich): For certain specific functions and long workdays.
- Improved lunches: For certain important celebrations such as the National Holiday, Christmas and New Year, in addition to the standard meals special preparations will be made to share and celebrate together.
Provision of corporative work clothes (2)
The appropriate use of our corporative brand in the different platforms, as well as on our uniforms is a reflection of our identity and of what we want to project as a company. That is why the use of corporative clothing and necessary accessories are obligatory for all people who fulfill roles that require them. The company will supply this uniform.
For personnel with secretary, receptionist and administrative roles, two uniforms will be supplied annually for the periods autumn-winter and spring-summer, which should be duly used as a requirement for fulfilling their functions.
Guards and drivers will be supplied with two uniforms with the Copefrut logo annually for the periods autumn-winter and spring-summer, whose correct use is also required.
Once a year we give two shirts and two T-shirts with the Copefrut logo to our collaborators in the areas of Administration, Commercial, Growers and Administration and Operations cost centers who are not subject to the obligatory use of uniform. Furthermore, every two years we provide a fleece.
Nursery allowance (2)
We recognize and encourage shared parenting. In this sense, and in complement to our obligation as employers to provide nursery for our collaborators, we will pay collaborators with children under two years of age an additional "Nursery allowance" equivalent to the gross amount of [*]. This benefit will cease immediately on the son or daughter's second birthday.
We want to accompany you in the important moments. We offer you leave with pay for the following events:
Marriage and civil parnerships (3)
The Wellbeing Corporation will provide the MEMBER who celebrates his or her marriage or civil partnership an allowance of 2 UF. For this purpose the collaborator must certify his or her marriage or civil partnership with the respective certificate.
Birth (3)
The Wellbeing Corporation will assign an equivalent of 2UF for the birth of a son or daughter to the worker MEMBER. For this purpose the respective birth certificate should be presented to the Corporation.
Bereavement (2)(3)
As well as receiving all the support of our Assistance program, in the tragic event of the death of a spouse, son or daughter, mother, father or siblings, the following leave will be granted:
- Death of parents or siblings: 5 working days leave will be awarded, which is greater then the legal leave of 3 days
- Furthermore we ensure the fulfillment of the legal allowance of 7 days leave in the case of the death of a son, daughter, spouse or civil partner and 2 working days in the case of the death of a mother or father-in-law.
All these permissions will be counted from the day in which the person dies, which should later be accredited with the respective death certificate.
Not withstanding the foregoing, the collaborator is required to inform the use of this leave to the Personnel Manager, through their direct management, in order to issue the respective proof of leave.
Furthermore, the Wellbeing Corporation will make a contribution in the equivalent in pesos at the date of the death as follows:
- 10 UF death of a MEMBER, which will be paid to the spouse if married or in a civil partnership and if single then to the parents or their legal next of kin.
- 5 UF death of spouse
- 5 UF death of son or daughter under 25
- 5 UF death of mother MEMBER
- 5 UF death of father MEMBER
Retirement plan (2)
Copefrut will pay compensation for years of service equivalent to 30 days of the last monthly wages earned, for every year of service and fraction greater than 6 months, to those workers hired after october 2002, whose contract finishes by mutual agreement and who has worked with copefrut for more than 5 years. This compensation will be limited to 11 years of service and 90 uf.