Process technology

Our plants have fruit processing lines that allow the different species to be calibrated, classified and packed with state of the art technology.
The key processes in these lines are emptying, singulation, defect detection, calibration and packing. The most import of these, and that which requires the most technology is the selection of defects and calibration, which uses a visual system to detect the fruit's caliber, color, and any internal or external defects in order to guarantee the optimum quality of our produce.

Most modern cherry processor in the Southern Hemisphere.
Lines equipped with:
- Cherry vision 3.0
- Cherry vision 2
Allows the detection of: caliber, color, internal and external defects, stalk presence or absence and degrees Brix.

Technology in apples
Lines equipped with:
Power Vision 3D Hyper Spectral
- Incorporates high definition chambers capable of detecting imperfections within specific ranges.
- Permits the detection of colors, shape and the superficial quality of the fruit (to a depth of 2mm).
- It is the most advanced detection system for each type of external damage and can identify damage greater than half a millimeter.
- It uses high-resolution chambers and LED lighting.

Kiwifruits and stone fruits: no defects on the outside, delicious on the inside
Lines equipped with:
- This system captures and analyses a large number of color and infrared images of each product in rotation in the chamber, to guarantee the classification of the fruit according to shape, color and external quality.

Dynamic Controlled Atmosphere (DCA)
This Controlled Atmosphere technology has two big advantages which are key to competitively in the organic apples sector:
- Improved retention of initial fruit quality; pulp firmness, skin color and sugar content, together with excellent sensorial quality.
- Effective control of superficial blanching of apples, preventing the oxidation of compounds accumulated in the epidermis of fruits that are conserved in refrigeration conditions.

Hydro-cooler cooling for cherries in the orchard and in the plant
- This cooling technology using water allows the prolongation of the cherries post-harvest lifespan, optimizing their condition at their final destination.
- Depending on the varieties and harvest dates, a condition analysis is carried out for rapid cooling.
- Certain set points are also applied in the temperature of the water and the time of exposure to showering with refrigerated water.
- We have efficient and high quality equipment (EUR/USA) that can guarantee and optimize the correct cooling flow.