History of innovators

For over 60 years Copefrut has risen to the challenges of agroindustry, constantly innovating and breaking paradigms in order to share the best fruit products.
In its beginnings a group of local growers from Curicó came together to commercialize and export fresh fruit from their fields in Chile's Central Valley to the rest of the world.
Since then this collaborative spirit of trust and professionalism has allowed us to innovate and grow in order to share our wonderful fruit.

Fruit growers meet in the Club de la Union in Curicó with a vision of collaboration and growth.

With the name of Coopefrut Ltda. we became one of the first Chilean agricultural cooperatives to open to the world.

The cooperative's first board of directors was lead by José Soler Mallafré, better known as "Don Pepe", who gave the cooperative its characteristic style of leadership and commitment.

We made our first export of 300 thousand boxes of apples.

We started operating as a packing and export company.

We introduced the Red King apple variety to Chile for production and commercialization.

Our innovations team introduced and developed the Hayward Kiwi, and then in 1981 made the first Chilean export of this variety (6000 boxes).

The cooperative became an Anonymous Society, under the current name: Copefrut S.A.

Copefrut makes the first Chilean export of cherries to China (4,000 boxes), positioning us as a reference in this market, where cherries are so highly sought after during the Chinese New Year.

In order to continue to improve the quality of our products, partnerships are made with Universities, with which we develop technology to prevent sun damage in apples, amongst other technologies.

Our packaging line for cherries is the most modern in Latin America.

In order to provide a more sustainable supply we opened the Cenfrut Sur pesticide free plant with organic certification, which is expected to become the number 1 Chilean organic apple exporter, and shows exponential growth in other organic species such as cherries and blueberries.

14 de Febrero 2018
José Soler Mallafré, one of our founders and ex President of Copefrut passes away. "Don Pepe" was known for his entrepreneurial vision, for his excellent management and his close leadership style.

In order to be closer to our consumers and provide a better service to our clients, we inaugurated the Asia Commercial Platform, with two refrigeration and operations centers; one in Guangzhou and another in Shanghai, China.

Renewal of the corporative image to become fresher, more modern and dynamic, in response to the need to adjust to the challenges of the industry.
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